
央美国际 | 艺术中心群展“觅径者之歌”开幕





From November 6 to December 11, 2022, the International College Art Center of Central Academy of Fine Art presents Song of the Seekers, a group exhibition including paintings, installations, videos, and performance art from 11 artists. With more than 30 artworks, it discusses the art practice of a generation of artists who grew up in the multi-culture. From the artwork as a starting point, we can see how emerging artists who are active in establish contact with the world through creation.

The exhibition invites 11 artists, most of them have studied abroad experience. Since the novel coronavirus pandemic outbreak at the end of 2019, many countries have been plunged into large-scale social shutdowns. Although the epidemic has dealt a significant blow to global society, emerging artists’ “homeward-bound tide” has injected a new force into the domestic art ecosystem. Highly sensitive to the new and unknown, they are constantly reminded to make timely and rational responses and judgments in such an unprecedentedly complex environment, thus enabling them to further observe and think about globalization, ecological crisis, and technology. On the other hand, the extreme and unpredictable external environment makes them look for the stability and beauty of life.


With “disenchantment” review of the art itself enables these artists with dynamic creative momentum to transform their self-interpretation and creative motivation into a straightforward . Many pop-cultural, bantered, childlike, and close-to-life contents appear in the works, instead of over-emphasizing the nobility and value of creation, the pieces combine the secular society in self-cognition with the spiritual world in a personalized way. In the “self-order” built by themselves, they explore the symbiotic era in which humanity, technology, nature, and society are intertwined with each other from a more diversified and inclusive perspective.


